Seguimiento del estado de su pedido
Seguimiento del pedido
Seguimiento del pedido
Número de Orden
El Número de Rastreo
* Order Number is Required!
* Email is Required and must be Correctly!
* Track Number is Required!
* Email is Required and must be Correctly!
Pedido | Fecha | Estado del pago | Estado de finalización | Total |
Receive Message(0 days)
Estimated arrival time:~
InfoReceivedWaiting for door-to-door pickup
DepartureDeparture from the port of the country of origin
ArrivalArrival at the port of the receiving country
AvailableForPickupThe package has arrived at the delivery point of the destination and needs to be picked up by the recipient
OutForDeliveryOn the way to delivery
DeliveredSuccessfully signed for
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